Sunday 31 July 2011

Dairy Free Cream (dairy free, egg free, nut free, gluten free)

*please note: all measurements are using standard Australian measurements, to work out conversions for your country please refer to the following link: conversion tables

You can enjoy this cream with desserts or use it in place of dairy cream in recipes.  This recipe makes 300 ml, you can double the recipe if you need more.  You will need a safe corn flour for this recipe (arrowroot can't be substituted as it doesn't thicken milk very well, it makes the mixture slimy). 

3/4 cup soy milk (or preferred milk)
1/4 cup extra soy milk (or preferred milk)
1 tablespoon corn flour (check ingredients some corn flours contain wheat, and may contain traces of nuts and eggs)
1 tablespoon caster sugar
1/2 of a 227g tub of Tofutti

extra ingredients for whipped cream flavour
1 teaspoon vanilla essence
1 teaspoon caster sugar

In a small saucepan heat 3/4 cup of milk on the stove.  
While that is heating, in a separate cup add the corn flour to the 1/4 cup of milk and mix to make a paste.
Turn the heat down to low before the milk boils and slowly pour in the corn flour paste while stirring the milk.
The milk will thicken, then turn off the heat.
Add the tablespoon of caster sugar and stir it into the milk mixture.
Leave to cool.
In a separate bowl stir the Tofutti for about 30 seconds to soften.
Add the cooled milk mixture and stir until combined.
If you want a whipped cream flavour add the vanilla essence and caster sugar and stir until combined.
Place the mixture in the fridge for 20 minutes (it will thicken more as it cools). 
You can stir in extra milk if you need the cream to be runny.

Tofutti (find this in the fridge in Coles near other Tofu products, or in Woolworths/Safeway near cream cheeses)

1 comment:

  1. Love the sour cream and cream recipes, will come in very handy for us. Like the blog too :-) .
